Can you believe it? Spring is upon us already and events are happening. Check out the events page for events and directions.
Last weekend I had the privilege of running sound and lights at the Eastern Region Youth of Unity Retreat. What a joy to watch these wonderful people. LeRoy White entertained us on Friday night and gave the talk Sunday morning. LeRoy and I had two sessions of drumming which were the best in my life. I hope you musicians have experienced the magic of hearing your voice or instrument play itself and simply sitting back and listening. This was the case with LeRoy and me. There were four hands playing while we listened from a distance. The youth put on a talent show and gave “heart talks” that touched me to the depths of my soul. They are wonderful. Please do not pass up the opportunity to work with our future generations. You will receive more than you give.
Every day I am working on Stillwaters. The walls of the drum circle are coming up. It is a pit 3′ in the ground and some day will have a canvas top. The stage is getting a drop down door that becomes a dance floor in front of the stage. The tents are here and need to be put up by the end of the month for the Uniteen Retreat here. And bathrooms, I am working on a mobile set of toilets that can move from the stage area to the drum pit area or where ever they are needed.
All this while trying to record and mix in the studio. Never a dull moment. With all this activity, I still have time to sit and chat if you are in the area. Stop by and drum with me and share a meal. See you soon.
Jeff Wolf